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Emre Sencer

Professor of History

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401



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HIST 104 The Ancient Mediterranean World

Ancient civilizations through the fall of Rome. Cross Listing: CLAS 104; IC; SA; D. Fatkin

HIST 106 Revolution, Nationalism, and Empire: Europe, 1770-1914

Modern Europe. Topics include the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, industrialization, imperialism and nationalism, to the eve of World War I. SA; Staff

HIST 107 Disaster and Hope: Europe in the 20th Century and After

This course will examine the development of European politics, society, and culture in the twentieth century. It also focuses on the impact of Europe on other continents, especially within the framework of imperialism and decolonization. The claims of competing ideologies, the development of culture in the age of Cold War, and the challenges of globalization are among the major themes of the course. SA; E. Sencer

HIST 110 History of Ancient Greece

This class explores the events of ancient Greek history and the achievements of Greek civilization. Today, we often look back to ancient Greece, particularly Athens, as the foundation of modern, western culture, but how much do we really know about life in Greece? And why should we care? This class seeks to answer these questions and others as we examine the history of ancient Greek cities, their institutions, and cultural achievements. Chronologically, we cover the Bronze Age to the Classical period. This class includes the traditional military and political history of ancient Greece, but we also learn about ancient Greek society as a whole and consider the cultural foundation of ancient life. By the end of this class, students should understand both the overall shape of ancient Greek history and culture, and how historians know what they know about the ancient Greek past. Cross Listing: CLAS 110; IC; SA; D. Fatkin; M. Parks

HIST 111 History of Ancient Rome

Roman culture and society from Romulus and Remus (753 BCE) through Marcus Aurelius (180 CE). This course calls upon both literary and visual texts to trace the development of Roman social and cultural institutions from the city's beginnings as a small settlement on the Tiber to its dominance over the Mediterranean world. Cross Listing: CLAS 111; IC; SA; D. Fatkin

HIST 113 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Comparative study of the three major monotheistic traditions in the West: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Selections from the classical texts of each tradition are studied, as well as the ways in which those texts have been interpreted through law, theology, and ritual practice. Cross Listing: RELS 113; SA; PI; Usually offered fall and winter terms every year; J. Thrall; D. Fatkin

HIST 115 Introduction to Archaeology

This course introduces students to the discipline of archaeology as a way of understanding the past and prepares them to participate in archaeological research. We review finds from a number of sites around the world in order to learn about human history from its origins around 6 million years ago. Further topics include: dating methods; field survey; excavation techniques; archaeological ethics; cultural heritage management; and theories of archaeological interpretation. Cross Listing: ENVS 115; SA; D. Fatkin; K. Adelsberger

HIST 122 American Biography

This course introduces first-year students to the study of history at the college level by examining the life and times of a prominent figure in American history. In the process, students learn how historians use documents--letters, edited papers and the like--to arrive at conclusions. Students are required to use published documents in a series of short writing assignments, geared toward teaching basic skills of historical reading and interpretation. HIST/AFST 122A Martin Luther King, Jr.; HIST/AFST 122B is W.E.B. DuBois. Cross Listing: AFST 122; SA; PI; K. Hamilton

HIST 122A American Biography: MLK

This course introduces first-year students to the study of history at the college level by examining the life and times of a prominent figure in American history, Martin Luther King, Jr. In the process, students learn how historians use documents--letters, edited papers and the like--to arrive at conclusions. Students are required to use published documents in a series of short writing assignments, geared toward teaching basic skills of historical reading and interpretation. Cross Listing: AFST 122A; SA; PI; K. Hamilton


This course introduces first-year students to the study of history at the college level by examining the life and times of a prominent figure in American history. In the process, students learn how historians use documents--letters, edited papers and the like--to arrive at conclusions. Students are required to use published documents in a series of short writing assignments, geared toward teaching basic skills of historical reading and interpretation. HIST/AFST 122A Martin Luther King, Jr.; HIST/AFST 122B is W.E.B. DuBois. Cross Listing: AFST 122B;

HIST 122C American Biography: Frederick Douglass

This course introduces first-year students to the study of history at the college level by examining the life and times of a prominent figure in American history, Frederick Douglass. In the process, students learn how historians use documents--letters, edited papers and the like--to arrive at conclusions. Students are required to use published documents in a series of formal and informal writing assignments, geared toward teaching basic skills of historical reading and interpretation. Cross Listing: AFST 122C; K. Hamilton

HIST 133 Middle East since 1900

An introduction to the history of the Middle East from the rise of Islam to the late 20th century. While the core of the course will focus on the "Islamic" Middle East, Islam's interaction with other religions and cultures will also be covered. SA; PI; E. Sencer

HIST 141 Premodern Histories of East Asia

This course explores the development of early societies in present-day China, Japan, and Korea up to the year 1600. Students will learn the basics of historical methodology and use primary sources to trace the transnational flow of technologies of state building, religion, and knowledge and cultural production before the modern period. Our exploration of this dynamic period will be focused on a question, event, document, or person that helps us encapsulate key themes in the region's historical development. Cross Listing: CHIN 141; W. Du; J. Dahl

HIST 142 Early Modern Histories of East Asia

This course explores the development of early modern states in East Asia, including the Qing empire in China, the Joseon dynasty in Korea, and the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan from 1600-1850. Students will learn the basics of historical methodology and use primary sources to explore what was "early" and what was "modern" about these different societies during the early modern period. Our exploration of this dynamic period will be focused on a question, event, document, or person that helps us encapsulate key themes in the region�s historical development. Cross Listing: ASIA 142; SA; J. Dahl

HIST 143 Modern Histories of East Asia

This course explores the impact of empire and modernization in China, Japan, and Korea from 1850 through the present day. Students will learn the basics of historical methodology and use primary sources to trace the technological, ideological, and political consequences of the collision between the Qing-centered early modern world and a new globalizing system of imperial hegemony. Our exploration of this dynamic period will be focused on a question, event, document, or person that helps us encapsulate key themes in the region's historical development. Cross Listing: ASIA 143; J. Dahl

HIST 145 Introduction to African Studies

An interdisciplinary introduction to African history and culture, with considerations given to the philosophies, religions, politics, economics, education, and the arts of African peoples. Beginning with the African contribution to classical civilization, the course explores the early African presence in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, traditional African philosophies and religions, the impact of Islamic and European slavery, the experience of colonialism, neo-colonialism and apartheid, and the ideas of twentieth-century leaders. Alternate years. Cross Listing: AFST 145; Staff

HIST 160 Power and Inequity in America to 1865

American history from its beginning to the Civil War. PI; SA; Offering alternates annually with HIST 161; C. Denial; K. Hamilton

HIST 161 Power and Inequity in America from 1865

A continuation of HIST 160. American history from 1865 to the present. Primarily political and institutional in orientation, but considerable emphasis is on the great post-Civil War economic changes and their consequences. PI, SA; Offering alternates annually with HIST 160; K. Hamilton; C. Denial

HIST 167 History of Gender and Sexuality in the U.S.

This course seeks to recover the shifting history of what gender and sexual identity have meant in American history to the present day. Personal choice, cultural possibility, and the operations of the state have all come together to shape the ways in which people experienced sex and attraction (or did not), and understood masculinity, femininity, and non-binary identities over time. Through readings, short stories, oral histories, illustrations, and photographs we will engage with this history in search of a more complex understanding of present-day debates around these issues. Cross Listing: GWST 167; C. Denial

HIST 181 Introduction to Native American & Indigenous History

This course explores the history of North America's indigenous peoples from long before Columbus accidentally landed in the Americas, to the era of the U.S. Civil War. We will examine oral histories, material culture, mapping, poetry, and a variety of texts that provide a holistic approach to the history of North America's Native people. PI; SA; Offered alternate years; C. Denial

HIST 202 History of Education

An examination of the ways in which humans across time have addressed issues such as educational aims, opportunity, curriculum and pedagogy. The relationship between socio-political contexts and education, the trends and processes of educational change, and linkages between past and current educational practices are also considered. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: EDUC 202; SA; Staff

HIST 220 History of Christianity

This course narrates the social, institutional, and intellectual history of Christianity, paying particular attention to the experiences of Christian men and women living in specific places and times. Through a study of both individuals and institutions, the course looks at several points of dialogue, and often tension, between Christian communities and broader cultures, between official Christian teachings and popular beliefs, and between Christian traditions and forces of reform. The course also considers the roles Christianity has played in key world events, and builds awareness of Christianitys expanding diversity as a global faith. Cross Listing: RELS 220; J. Thrall

HIST 225 From Empire to Nation-State: Turkey in the 20th Century

This is a course on the history of the late Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey. It focusses on the last one hundred years of the Empire and the transition to the modern Turkish republic. It also examines the political, social, and cultural developments in Turkey in the 20th century. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing and one previous History course (preferably 107 or 133) or permission of the instructor; E. Sencer

HIST 226 Cold War in Europe

This is a course on the history of Europe, 1945-1991. Its focus is the political, social, and cultural developments in both Western and Eastern Europe during the period. It examines the origins and the course of the Cold War, as well as its impact on European mentalities and art. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing and at least one history course (preferably HIST 107) or permission of the instructor; SA; PI; E. Sencer

HIST 227 The Black Image in American Film

Since the beginning of the American film industry, white, black and other filmmakers have used the black image to interrogate American identity. This course focuses upon the often contentious dialog between white and black filmmakers, critics, and activists over the creation and control of the black image - a struggle that has been a fundamental component of the American film industry since its creation. Examination of this artistic conflict helps students to explore the larger social struggles and issues surrounding race in American society, as well as to experience the richness of African American culture and the vibrant history of American film and criticism. Above all, students learn to see the political, social and economic context in which film is created, viewed, and understood. Some of the issues to be discussed include: the black aesthetic; representations of the black family, religion, and gender/sexuality by Hollywood vs. independent black films; the changing black image in film over time; the business and economics of filmmaking. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: AFST 227;AMST 227;FILM 227;FILM 227; IC; PI; Offered alternate years; M. Roy-Fequiere; K. Hamilton

HIST 228 Environmental Racism

This course focuses upon issues of environmental quality, and how the cost to human health and access to environmental benefits is often distributed according to race and poverty. Proposals devised by environmental and civil rights groups working within the growing environmental justice movement are also explored. The goal is to help students understand more fully how decisions affecting the health of neighborhoods, regions, and groups of people are made, and what individuals can do about it. The link between environmental issues and past and present discrimination is examined from an interdisciplinary perspective, requiring students to do work in both the natural and social sciences. Fieldwork will also be required. Cross Listing: ENVS 228; PI; Offered alternate years; P. Schwartzman; K. Hamilton

HIST 229 American Crime and Punishment: Historical and Contemporary Mappings

The United States imprisons one in every hundred of its citizens, establishing it as the world's largest incarcerator. The over-representation of non-white bodies reflects the racial and economic apartheid persistent in America. This course traces historical and contemporary mappings of America's approach to crime and punishment in the context of broader political, social, and cultural currents. Some of the thematic concerns of this course include: slavery and the birth of the penitentiary; anti-prison resistance and reform movements; prison arts as resistance; prison writing; Indigenous incarceration; solitary confinement; queer abolition; and the carceral refracted through race, class, gender, sexuality, and disability. Cross Listing: PJST 229; PI; SA; Staff

HIST 231 Hebrew Bible

Cross Listing: RELS 231; S. Harris

HIST 232 Early Christian Texts

This course introduces students to formative texts in early Christianity, including texts of the New Testament as well as non-canonical texts. We will situate these texts in their own historical moment, considering them within Hellenistic Judaism and the Greco-Roman world. Diverse portrayals of the life and teaching of Jesus will emerge, and we will analyze ways that variety extends to the teachings of his followers. This course will also introduce modern methods of interpreting the Bible, including reading the New Testament in terms of postcolonialism, gender, sexuality, disability, and empire, in addition to historical and literary approaches. This course considers the different questions each scholarly method asks of a text, and the tools it uses to answer them. This course will familiarize students with the history and literary types of early Christianity, as well as different approaches to interpretation in the interest of equipping students for knowledgeable and respectful dialogue about the Bible. Cross Listing: RELS 232; SA, IC; S. Harris

HIST 235 Germany in the Nineteenth Century

A survey of German history from the end of the Napoleonic Era to the outbreak of the First World War. It covers the impact of industrialization, nationalism, unification, and the drive for European dominance. Major themes include the late nineteenth-century transformation of the society, class conflict, and cultural pessimism. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; E. Sencer

HIST 236 Germany in the 20th Century

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the major events and issues in German history from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present. Main areas of focus will be the two world wars, the Nazi era, and divided Germany in the Cold War. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; E. Sencer

HIST 237 World War I

An introductory course on the history of the First World War. The course will take a global approach to the Great War, examining it as a transformative event in European and world history. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; E. Sencer

HIST 238 World War II in Europe

This is an introductory course on the European theatre of the Second World War. It covers the causes, different stages, and the implications of the war, and focuses on the political, social, and cultural dimensions of the conflict. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; E. Sencer

HIST 241 Modern China

A survey of the political, social, economic and intellectual history of China since 1800 with emphasis on the twentieth century. Topics include the changes in late imperial society, Western imperialism, the concept of revolution, the response of major world powers to China as a revolutionary power, and the struggles of contemporary Chinese society. Prerequisite(s): HIST 141, 142, or 143 is recommended; Cross Listing: ASIA 241; M. Schneider

HIST 242 Japan: from Samurai to Superpower

In little over a century, Japan changed from a divided and neglected country on the edge of Asia into a global economic and cultural superpower. This remarkable transformation offers many insights into the challenges and repercussions societies face as they undergo rapid modernization. This course surveys the experiences of Japanese society since the 1600s. It explores the decline of the samurai military elite, the rise of a new industrial economy, the clashes that resulted with its Asian neighbors and the U.S., and the reemergence of an ultra-modern society whose consumer products are known around the world. Prerequisite(s): HIST 141, 142, or 143 is recommended; Cross Listing: ASIA 242; M. Schneider

HIST 245 International History

An exploration of the theoretical and methodological problems historians confront when writing histories of international and intercultural relations. Topics will include cross-cultural encounters in world history, the role of women in international history, gender analysis of the international system, trade and economic integration, mass culture and informal diplomacy. Prerequisite(s): IIS 100 or PS 210 or one course in history is recommended; M. Schneider

HIST 246 /346 Tokyo: Rise of a Megacity

How did Tokyo become the world's largest city? This course explores the rise of Tokyo from a small village to its current premiere status. We will examine how Tokyo became a political, social, cultural, and economic hub through study of three distinct historical phases--the era of the samurai, the modern/imperial age, and the global age. Readings and assignments include all levels of Japanese society while considering the social, geographic, and international conditions that made and continue to remake this city. Prerequisite(s): HIST 246: One course in history or Japanese studies is recommended; HIST 346: HIST 245 or 285 or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ASIA 246; M. Schneider

HIST 247 Introduction to Oral History

Offered alternative years; Staff

HIST 248 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff

HIST 259 America in the 1960s

The 1960s was one of the defining periods in American history, when great conflict served to reveal fundamental elements of the American character. American values and practices regarding sex and race, poverty and justice, apathy and activism, violence and peace, drugs, music, and other issues all came under intense scrutiny during this era. This class immerses students in the "sixties experience" - the events, ideas, values, sights and sounds of this exciting and important decade - and asks what this era reveals about America's past, present and future. Cross Listing: AMST 259; K. Hamilton

HIST 263 Slavery in the Americas

This course surveys the experiences of Africans enslaved in the Caribbean, Latin America, and the United States. It is designed to introduce students to the complex history and issues of slavery in the Western Hemisphere. Slavery is examined both as an international system with global impact, and through comparative analysis of individual slave societies. Subjects addressed include European economic motivation and gain; slave revolts and abolition movements; African cultural retention; racist ideology and race relations. This course serves as the first half of the African-American history series, and as one of the required courses for the major in Africana Studies. Cross Listing: AFST 263;LAST 263; Offered alternate years; K. Hamilton

HIST 267 Great American Debates

This course examines the way in which debate has informed American history - the issues that inhabitants of the continent have found pressing; the means by which they have articulated and advanced their perspectives; and the consequences of their successes and failures over time. By focusing on one broad issue - such as women's rights, election to political office, or abolitionism - this course examines debate as a cultural creation and explores connections between present-day debates and those of the past. Cross Listing: AMST 267; Course may be repeated for credit. HIST 267B History of Marriage and HIST 267C History of Birth Control are DV, and cross-listed in GWST; C. Denial


This course seeks to recover the shifting history of what gender and sexual identity have meant in American history to the present day. Personal choice, cultural possibility, and the operations of the state have all come together to shape the ways in which people experienced sex and attraction (or did not), and understood masculinity, femininity, and non-binary identities over time. Through readings, short stories, oral histories, illustrations, and photographs we will engage with this history in search of a more complex understanding of present-day debates around these issues. PI, SA; C. Denial

HIST 271 Topics in the History of Religion

Topics will vary year to year, focusing on a specific area within the history of religion. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing, previous course work in history or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: RELS 271; May be repeated for credit; Staff

HIST 276 Topics in Ancient History

Topics will vary year to year, focusing on a specific aspect of ancient history. May be repeated for credit; Staff

HIST 281 Native American & Indigenous History Since 1871

The history of American Indian people in the United States since 1870 has been ignored, appropriated, changed, and distorted, as well as reclaimed and re-evaluated over time. In this class we will pay attention to modern American Indian history, to oral and written sources, to the varied opinions of academics and tribes, and to art, museum exhibits, and film, culminating in an opportunity for students to pursue individual research interests at the end of the term. PI; SA; Offered alternate years; C. Denial

HIST 285 The Historian's Workshop

An introduction to the study of history. Intensive study of a single historical topic introduces students to the importance of interpretation in the writing of history. Research methods, library skills and theoretical approaches to the past are discussed. Topics vary from term to term. Prerequisite(s): two courses in history, including one 100-level course; Staff

HIST 286 History Pedagogy for Future Educators

Created for students who will become elementary teachers, high school social studies teachers, or who are Created for students who will become elementary teachers, high school social studies teachers, or who are headed to graduate school in history, this course offers an introduction to critical thinking (and action) in the classroom. Taking our cue from bell hooks' Teaching to Transgress, we will explore theories of inclusive, equitable history instruction, as well as practical strategies for teaching the past. Cross Listing: EDUC 286; C. Denial

HIST 295 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)

Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of History not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff

HIST 300 The Historian's Workshop

An introduction to the study of history. Intensive study of a single historical topic introduces students to the importance of interpretation in the writing of history. Research methods, library skills and theoretical approaches to the past are discussed. Topics vary from term to term. Prerequisite(s): two courses in History, including one 100-level course; Staff

HIST 301 Roman Imperialism in Comparative Perspective

In this seminar, students learn details about the history and administrative structure of the Roman empire through examination of case studies. The course focuses on understanding the nature and scope of Roman imperialism by comparing it to other empires. Students engage in independent research and complete a term paper. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285; HIST 104 and/or HIST 201 strongly recommended; Cross Listing: CLAS 301; D. Fatkin

HIST 302 Reproductive Justice in the US since 1974

This course invites students to dive deep into the issue of reproductive justice in the United States since the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade. Students will pursue an independent research project into a topic of their choosing, related to reproductive justice. Together we will explore assisted reproductive technologies, abortion, contraception, queer parenting rights, transgender justice, and more. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285, GWST 280, or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: GWST 302; C. Denial

HIST 323 Germany Since 1945

This is a research course on post-WWII. It focuses on the legacy of the war, the political, social, and cultural development of the two Germanys during the Cold War, the reunification in 1990, and the challenges facing Germany since the reunification. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing and HIST 285 or permission of the instructor; E. Sencer

HIST 336 Contemporary German Culture

The course examines contemporary German society and culture in an historical context. Topics include the political legacies of Nazism, East German communism, and the Student Movement of 1968; the role of religion in public life; Germany in a united Europe; immigration and changing concepts of Germanness; changing attitudes towards family, gender, and sexuality. Materials include scholarly essays, fiction, and film. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285 or permission of instructor; Cross Listing: GERM 336;GERM 336E; T. Heidt

HIST 338 Nazi Germany

The purpose of this course is to explore the origins, development, and collapse of Nazi dictatorship in Germany. It will focus on the main arguments offered by major historians about this era of German history, and allow students to conduct research and write a paper on an area of their own interest within that period. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285; E. Sencer

HIST 339 Weimar Republic,1911-1933

This course focuses on the history of the First German Republic, 1919-1933. It will examine the establishment and slow destruction of democracy in Germany in the interwar years, along with the social and cultural changes of this period. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285 or permission of the instructor; E. Sencer

HIST 345 International History

See description for HIST 245. Students who enroll in HIST 345 write a research paper in addition to completing the requirements for HIST 245. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285 or permission of instructor; M. Schneider

HIST 347 Museums, Monuments, and Memory

This course will analyze the possibilities and practicalities of the practice of 'public history' in the United States. We will consider the history of the field; the purpose and ideals of the profession; the limitations placed upon public historians by money, audience, space, and time; and the impact of good and bad public history on American culture. Students will have the opportunity to visit local historic sites and museums, and will be expected to research, build and present their own exhibition on some aspect of local (or locally) connected history by the end of the term. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285 or permission of the instructor; IMMR; C. Denial

HIST 348 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff

HIST 363 American Liberalism

What does it mean to be a liberal? Why does liberalism evoke such strong reactions, pro and con? Where does American liberalism come from, and where is it going? From Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal through Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, liberalism is synonymous with some of the most daring and innovative public policy of the twentieth century. But more than this, liberalism has always represented a set of philosophies, values, and beliefs; animating discussions on American culture, economy, education, media, politics, human identity(ies), and more. This research seminar offers each student the opportunity to conduct their own in-depth examination of liberalism, using advanced historical research to focus upon a specific aspect of personal interest. Students will be required to participate in classroom discussion and to complete an independent research project. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285; K. Hamilton

HIST 366 The American Civil Rights Movement

This course covers the period of the Black Freedom Struggle generally referred to as the Civil Rights Movement--beginning with the Brown decision in 1954, and ending with the Bakke decision in 1978. This is not a survey course, however. Students are expected to immerse themselves in some of the considerable scholarship on this period, and to discuss significant issues in class. Some of the topics covered include: the nature of mass social movements--origins, dynamics, strategies and tactics; the significance of black leadership and institutions; black separatism vs. coalition-building; the role of the federal government and political parties; the persistence of racism in American life; black militancy and white liberalism; radical and conservative critiques of the Civil Rights Movement. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; HIST 285 or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: AFST 366; K. Hamilton

HIST 371 Topics in the History of Religion

See HIST 271. A major component of HIST 371 will be a long research paper based on primary sources. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285 or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: RELS 371; may be repeated for credit; Staff

HIST 373 Topics in Women's and Gender History

Topics vary year to year. Current topics include: "Women, Gender and the American Revolution" - analyzing the form and function of gender in the revolutionary era. Course may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285, GWST 280, or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: GWST 373; C. Denial

HIST 381 Exploring Native American & Indigenous History

This course examines the importance of multiple understandings of time and place to the study of American Indian history. By concentrating on the inhabitants of one geographic region, we will aim to approach the history of that region from an indigenous perspective, analyzing the intertwined concepts of spirituality, landscape, place-naming, cross-cultural contact, and social change. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285 or permission of the instructor; C. Denial

HIST 395 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)

Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of History not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff

HIST 400 Advanced Studies (1/2 or 1)

See College Honors Program. Prerequisite(s): One 300-level HIST course; Staff

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