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Magali Roy-Féquière

Associate Professor & Chair of Gender & Women's Studies

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401-4999



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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Requirements for the major

11 or 12 credits as follows:

  • Introductory course: GWST 101
  • Feminist theory: GWST 206 or GWST 243
  • Feminist methodology: GWST 280
  • One Gender and Women's Studies course in the Humanities
  • One Gender and Women's Studies course in the Social Sciences
  • Electives: four more credits in Gender and Women's Studies; two of these four credits must be at the 300-level.
  • Coursework in a traditional discipline: two credits in a single department or program outside of Gender and Women's Studies, one of which must be a methods or theory course. The course other than methods/theory may be a course cross-listed with Gender and Women's Studies. Courses that currently count toward the method/theory requirement include: ANSO 290, ANSO 300, ANSO 301, ANSO 320, ART 342, BIOL 210, ENG 200, ENG 334, HIST 285, PS 220, PS 230, STAT 200, and THTR 385; other courses may fulfill this requirement on approval by the program chair.
  • Capstone experience: Students carry out a project involving significant individual initiative. This may be done within the context of:
    • participation in the Antioch Women's Studies Abroad program
    • an internship
    • a community action project
    • a research/creative project carried out through independent study
    • an honors thesis in Gender and Women's Studies

The choice of a project is made in consultation with the program chair.

With permission of the chair, up to two credits in related studies outside the program may be counted towards the major. To be considered, courses must contain a significant component on gender and an individualized student project focused on gender issues.

Requirements for the minor

5 credits as follows:

  • Introductory course: GWST 101
  • One course in methods or theory: GWST 206, GWST 243, or GWST 280
  • Three electives of which one may be taken as independent study

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Printed on Friday, March 14, 2025