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Kevin J. Hastings

Rothwell Stephens Distinguished Professor of Mathematics; Chair of Data Science

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401-4999



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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Requirements for the major

10.5-12 credits as follows:

  • Introductory courses (4-5 credits): STAT 200, CS 141 and CS 142, Both MATH 151 and 152 (recommended) or MATH 145
  • Core courses (3 credits): Either STAT 223 or STAT 225, MATH 185, CS 208 or CS 220
  • Advanced courses (3 credits): MATH/STAT 321, CS 317 or CS 320, CS/STAT 312 or CS/STAT 323
  • Project (0.5, or 1): The culminating project is to be a large data analysis project, which may be done in conjunction with a course, or as a separate independent study worth 0.5 or 1 credit. The project must be approved by the program committee, and it requires a paper and a public presentation. It is recommended that the project focus on a field outside of mathematics, statistics, and computer science to which Data Science applies.

Note: Students combining a major in Data Science with a major in Mathematics, Computer Science, or Integrative Business and Management may apply no more than 3 courses to both programs simultaneously. Students majoring in Data Science may not minor in Statistics.

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Printed on Wednesday, March 26, 2025