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David Bunde

William & Marilyn Ingersoll Chair in Computer Science

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401-4999



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3 Ways to Experience Your Education

1. Use computer science to explore big issues.

Many of our majors—and minors—pursue research. Some even present their work at national and international conferences. Here are a few recent publications and presentations:

  • "Teaching Parallel Programming Languages," Austin Finley '15, Michael Graf '15, Emily Hastings '16, Deyu Han '16, Matt Lichty '15 and Ben Lyon '15.
  • "Animation and Game Development," Clint Davis '15, Ryan Frank '15, Clem Moore '16, and Angel Zuaznabel '15.
  • "Vector Programming," Sam Hart '16 and Noah Santer '16.
  • "Android Application Development," Austen Lake '15.
  • "Task Mapping for Parallel Jobs,: Evan Balzuweit '14, Johnathan Ebbers '13, Stefan P. Feer '12, Emily Hastings '16, Alan Lee, Nickolas W. Price '13, Zachary D. Rhodes '09, Matthew Swank '14, Anda Xu '15 and Zach Rhodes '09.
  • "Implementing a Programming Language to Improve Programmer Productivity," Christopher Ryan Johnson '11.

Outstanding students may elect to undertake College Honors in their senior year, carrying out an advanced research project presented and defended to a faculty committee that includes a distinguished outside examiner. Examples of recent Honors projects include:

  • "Gestural Control for Expressivity in Music," Dakota Sylvan Luna Stipp '17.
  • "Improving Valiant Routing for Slim Fly Network Topology," Deyu Han '16.
  • "Simulation of Small RNA Annotation in Non-Model Organisms," Nicolette Laird '16.
  • "Inferring Public Opinion in 140 Characters or Less: Methodological and Theoretical Improvements on the Use of Twitter to Measure Public Attitudes," Anna Novikova '13.
  • "Studying Novice Programmer Development Behavior," Andrei Liviu Papancea '13.

2. Study off campus.

Our students take advantage of the more than 50 off-campus study programs. Among the programs of interest to computer science majors are programs at the Argonne National Laboratory and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. At these distinguished facilities, students work as contributing junior members of multidisciplinary research teams. Computer science students have also spent a term at the University of St. Andrew's, DeMontfort University, and Dublin City University.

3. Explore life after Knox through an internship.

There's no better way to explore the possibilities of life after Knox than internships. Recent internships by computer science students include:

  • Software Development Intern, DocuWrx LLC, Clearwater, Florida. Dakota Stipp ‘17.
  • Summer Intern, Lockheed Martin, Littleton, Colorado. Nicolette Laird '16.
  • Business Development Associate/ Intern, 1871: Cloudspotter Technologies, Chicago, Illinois. Matthew Klich ‘15.
  • Research Intern, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, Illinois. Matthew Lichty '15.
  • Summer Intern, Markit, New York City, New York. Joe Miao '15.
  • Creative Intern, NGP VAN, District of Columbia. Cody Sehl '15.

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Printed on Tuesday, March 25, 2025