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Hilary Lehmann
Chair & Associate Professor of Classics
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
LAT 101 , LAT 102, LAT 103 Elementary Latin
The first two terms concentrate on grammar; the third term provides an introduction to classical Latin poetry and prose. Prerequisite(s): LAT 102 and LAT 103 each require the completion of the preceding course in the sequence or permission of the instructor; LAT 103 is SL; LAT 101, 102, 103 offered every FA, WI, SP sequentially; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 210 , LAT 310 Latin Prose Composition
This course reviews the fundamentals of Latin grammar and works toward refined knowledge of Latin idiom and sentence structure. Class meetings emphasize a workshop approach, with group critiques of composition assignments and stylistic analysis of selected prose passages. Prerequisite(s): LAT 103 or permission of the instructor; The course is graded on a S/U basis; Offered occasionally; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 211 , LAT 311 Roman Historians
Selections from authors such as Caesar, Livy, and Tacitus are read in Latin. Prerequisite(s): LAT 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 212 , LAT 312 Latin Epic Poetry
Selections from works such as Virgil's Aeneid are read in Latin. Prerequisite(s): LAT 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 213 , LAT 313 Roman Comedy
Selected plays of Plautus or Terence are read in Latin. Prerequisite(s): LAT 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 214 , LAT 314 Roman Philosophy
Selections from Cicero's or Seneca's philosophical works or Lucretius' De Rerum Natura, are read in Latin. Prerequisite(s): LAT 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 215 , LAT 315 Roman Rhetoric and Oratory
Selections from Cicero's speeches and/or his works on rhetoric are read in Latin. Prerequisite(s): LAT 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 216 , LAT 316 Roman Tragedy (1/2 or 1)
A tragedy of Seneca is read in Latin. Prerequisite(s): LAT 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 217 , LAT 317 Roman Novel
Selections from works such as Petronius' Satyricon and/or Apuleius' Golden Ass are read in Latin. Prerequisite(s): LAT 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 218 , LAT 318 Roman Lyric and Elegiac Poetry
Selections from Catullus, Horace, Propertius, and Ovid are read in Latin. Prerequisite(s): LAT 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 270 , LAT 370 Topics in Latin Literature (1/2 or 1)
Topics will vary from year to year, focusing on a particular text or theme in Latin literature. Examples: Mytth in Ovid; Horace and Rome; Roman Satire. Offered on a 3-year rotation; Staff
LAT 295 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Latin not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
LAT 312
Selections from works such as Virgil's Aeneid are read in Latin.
LAT 314 Roman Philosophy
Prerequisite(s): LAT 103 or permission of the instructor; H. Lehmann; M. Parks
LAT 395 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Latin not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
LAT 400 Advanced Studies (1/2 or 1)
See College Honors Program. Staff