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Ancient Greek Courses

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Hilary Lehmann

Chair & Associate Professor of Classics

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401



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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

GRK 101 , GRK 102, GRK 103 Elementary Ancient Greek

The first two terms concentrate on grammar; the third term provides an introduction to classical Ancient Greek poetry and prose. Prerequisite(s): GRK 102 and GRK 103 each require the completion of the preceding course or permission of the instructor; GRK 103 is SL; GRK 101, 102, 103 offered every FA, WI, SP sequentially; M. Parks; H. Lehmann

GRK 210 Greek Prose Composition

This course reviews the fundamentals of Greek grammar and works toward refined knowledge of Greek idiom and sentence structure. Class meetings emphasize a workshop approach, with group critiques of composition assignments and stylistic analysis of selected prose passages. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103 or permission of the instructor; The course is graded on a S/U basis. Offered occasionally; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 211 , GRK 311 Greek Historians

Selections from authors such as Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon are read in Greek. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 212 , GRK 312 Greek Epic Poetry

Selections from Homer's Odyssey and/or Iliad are read in Greek. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 213 , GRK 313 Greek Comedy

A comedy of Aristophanes or Menander is read in Greek. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 214 , GRK 314 Greek Philosophy

Selections from authors such as Plato, Xenophon, and Aristotle are read in Greek. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 215 , GRK 315 Greek Rhetoric and Oratory

Selections from authors such as Lysias and Demosthenes are read in Greek. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 216 , GRK 316 Greek Tragedy

Works of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripedes are read in Greek. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 217 , GRK 317 Greek Novel

Works of Greek novels such as Longus' Daphnis and Chloe are read in Greek. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 218 , GRK 318 Greek Lyric Poetry

Selections from Greek lyric poets (Sappho, Archilochus and others) are read in Greek. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103 or permission of the instructor; IC; Offered on a 3-year rotation; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 220 Reading Greek (1/2 or 1)

Through sight reading of a Greek prose text and periodic grammar review, this course is designed to strengthen reading skills. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103 or permission of the instructor; May be repeated a maximum of 3 times for a maximum of 1.5 credits; Offered occasionally; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 270 , GRK 370 Topics in Greek Literature

Topics will vary from year to year, focusing on a particular text or theme in Greek literature. Example: Greek Hellenistic Poetry. Prerequisite(s): GRK 103; May be repeated for credit; H. Lehmann; M. Parks

GRK 295 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)

Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Greek not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff

GRK 395 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)

Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Greek not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff

GRK 400 Advanced Studies (1/2 or 1)

See College Honors Program. Staff

Students in a greek class examine ancient books in Seymour Library.
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Printed on Sunday, March 9, 2025