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Helen Hoyt
Chair & Associate Professor of Chemistry
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401-4999
CHEM 100 , CHEM 101, CHEM 102 Integrated General Chemistry
CHEM 100, 101, and 102 provide the same fundamental concepts in Chemistry as described for CHEM 100A and CHEM 102A. The laboratory is integrated into the course during the class meeting times. Open to students with no high school chemistry or by placement. Prerequisite(s): By permission of the instructor only; Staff
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, solids, liquids, gases, and chemical calculations. Four periods lecture and three periods laboratory. Prerequisite(s): Math placement into MATH 145 or above, or completion of a QR Element course (such as MATH 123) is recommended. Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 100A and CHEM 100AS is also recommended for students that have taken a prerequisite course.; SI; Offered every Fall; one section offered every Winter; Staff
A continuation of CHEM 100A. Solution chemistry, thermodynamics, equilibrium, acids and bases, kinetics, and nuclear chemistry. Four periods lecture and three periods laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 100A; SI; Offered every Winter, one section offered every Spring; Staff
CHEM 161 Introduction to Forensic Science
The analysis of crime scenes and criminal evidence using methods of scientific analysis has evolved into a vital segment of the criminal justice system. This course will serve as an introduction to these scientific techniques, ranging from classic fingerprinting methods to modern methods of DNA analysis. Coverage of the scientific approach will be augmented by discussions of legal implications and admissibility of evidence, along with reviews of relevant case studies. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 100A or 1 year of high school chemistry; L. Welch
This course offers an introductory science class aimed at enhancing mathematical proficiency and problem-solving abilities necessary for future success in General Chemistry. Through the application of quantitative reasoning techniques, students will explore the connection of chemistry with the environment and its practical applications in real-world contexts. Additionally, the course will provide a framework for environmental issues through the lens of chemistry, providing insight into their scientific foundations and implications.
CHEM 205 Equilibrium and Analytical Chemistry
An introduction to the modern quantitative techniques of analysis in chemical systems. Topics include traditional quantitative techniques as well as chromatography, spectroscopy, and lasers. Four periods lecture and three periods laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 102A; QR; SI; Offered every Spring; L. Welch
CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry I
Structures, reactions, physical and chemical properties of aliphatic and aromatic compounds and their functional groups. The laboratory covers classical and modern techniques of preparation, separation, and identification. Four periods lecture and three periods laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 102A; SI; Offered every Fall; D. Cermak; H. Hoyt
CHEM 211S , 212S Supplemental Instruction in CHEM 211, 212 (1/2)
CHEM 211S and 212S are reserved exclusively for students who are simultaneously enrolled in CHEM 211 or 212. Course content will be determined by the difficulties that students encounter in the primary courses. The supplemental courses will focus on problem solving along with the course material, study skills, organizational skills, and course review. Students will sign up for each term and receive the one-half credit after completing the second term of the course. Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 211 or 212; S/U; Offered every Fall and every Winter; D. Cermak
CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry II
A continuation of CHEM 211. Four periods lecture and three periods laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 211; Offered every Winter; D. Cermak
CHEM 215 Inorganic Chemistry
A thorough introduction to the world of inorganic chemistry, with emphasis on chemical properties, and periodic relationships. Topics include binary compounds, organometallics, transition metal complexes, solution chemistry, inorganic polymers and clusters, and solid state chemistry. The laboratory emphasizes the synthesis and instrumental characterization of inorganic compounds. Four periods lecture and three periods laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 212 or (CHEM 102A and permission of the instructor); Offered every Spring; T. Clayton
CHEM 220 Environmental Chemistry (1/2 or 1)
Pollution problems are in the news every day. The government continues to set ever more stringent guidelines for pollutants. But how are the small amounts of these chemicals measured? This course answers that question by focusing on the analytical procedures used to monitor these regulated pollutants and the improvements that will be necessary as government controls become tighter. When offered for a full credit, CHEM 220 meets three periods a week plus lab. When offered as a 1/2 credit course, CHEM 220 meets two periods a week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 205; Cross Listing: ENVS 220; L. Welch
CHEM 233 Nanochemistry (1/2 or 1)
An introduction to the emerging interdisciplinary science of nanochemistry, which explores basic chemical strategies applied to the design and synthesis of nanomaterials. Chemical control of the size and shape of nanomaterials, established through 'self-assembly', is linked to novel chemical and physical properties exhibited by nanomaterials. In turn these properties, such as conductivity, magnetism and photonics, are utilized in functional electronic devices like photodetectors, LEDs and chemical sensors. Students will encounter novel concepts through a variety of readings and classroom experiences including lecture, discussion, group work and presentations. Four periods lecture/discussion. When offered for a full credit, CHEM 233 meets four periods a week for lecture and discussion. When offered as a 1/2 credit course, CHEM 233 meets two periods a week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 102A; T. Clayton
CHEM 248 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff
CHEM 273 Chemistry and Society
A pragmatic approach to chemistry for non-science majors. Basic problem solving (e.g. stoichiometry, half-lives, etc.) and laboratory experiences will accompany this overview of how chemistry influences human life. Topics covered include consumer products, environmental concerns, drugs, radioactivity and energy. Three periods lecture, one period laboratory. Cross Listing: ENVS 273; SI; Not open to students having credit in any Knox Chemistry course; Staff
CHEM 275 Chemistry and Environmental Policy
A lecture/discussion course with emphasis on how environmental chemistry influences environmental policy. Topics include but are not limited to: atmospheric chemistry, acid rain, and the Clean Air Act. Three periods lecture/discussion. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 100A or ENVS 101 or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ENVS 275; M. Crawford
CHEM 295 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered to students in special areas of Chemistry not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
CHEM 299A , B, C Seminar Series in Chemistry (.0 or 1/2)
The purpose of this course is to expose students to the full range of chemical ideas and practices from academic, industrial, and governmental perspectives. Students will attend seminars by invited speakers, chemistry faculty, and chemistry majors each term. Students will sign up for each term and receive the one-half credit after completing the spring term. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; Repeatable for up to 1.5 credit; Offered every year; Staff
CHEM 315 Green Chemistry and Catalysis
Building on the pioneering work in catalysis over the past several decades, this course explores how green chemistry is changing the motivation and guiding criteria for reaction design. Green chemistry design principles include atom economy and waste minimization, use of catalysts vs. stoichiometric reagents, energy efficiency, and decreased use of toxic reagents and solvents. Chemical foundations draw on understanding catalytic cycles, catalyst structure, and the fundamental reactions performed by organotransition metal catalysts (oxidation, reduction, bond activation, new bond construction, etc.) Four periods lecture. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 212; Offered alternate years; H. Hoyt
CHEM 316 Methods in Organic Synthesis
A survey of modern methods in synthetic organic chemistry. Emphasis on stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, retrosynthetic analysis, and synthesis of natural products. Four periods lecture. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 212; Offered alternate years; D. Cermak
CHEM 317 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory
This laboratory course is designed to further the student's technical ability in the synthetic chemistry laboratory. The laboratory builds on the 200-level laboratory courses and involves aspects of advanced synthetic techniques as well as advanced physical and spectroscopic methods. Additionally, the course includes experiments which involve the use of air- and moisture-sensitive reagents, techniques which are common in graduate-level and industrial settings, and provides our graduates a head start in these situations. Two periods lecture and six periods laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 212; D. Cermak; H. Hoyt
CHEM 318 Physical Organic Chemistry
Lecture, discussion and problem solving in physical organic chemistry. Emphasis on kinetics, molecular orbital theory, structure and thermodynamics as they lead to our understanding of organic reaction mechanisms and molecular stability. Four periods lecture. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 212 and CHEM 321, or permission of the instructor; Offered alternate years; H. Hoyt
CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I
An introduction to thermodynamics and quantum chemistry. The macroscopic behavior of matter as embodied in thermodynamics and kinetics is correlated with the microscopic model of matter based on atomic-molecular theory. Four periods lecture. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 212 and MATH 146 or 152; Offered every Fall; M. Crawford
CHEM 321A Chemical Laboratory Principles I (1/2)
Basic skills in the acquisition of quantitative physical chemical data and error analysis. Emphasis on computer use. Experiments from the behavior of gases, thermodynamics, and kinetics. One lecture and five periods laboratory. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in CHEM 321; M. Crawford
CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II
An introduction to quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, and spectroscopy. The detailed consequences of quantum theory are examined in the light of the molecular model. Four periods lecture. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 321; Offered alternate years; M. Crawford
CHEM 322A Chemical Laboratory Principles II (1/2)
The use of various spectroscopies to gather data on properties of molecules. One lecture period plus five periods laboratory. Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 322; M. Crawford
CHEM 325 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Use of advanced analytical instrumentation. Students become familiar with potentiometric, voltammetric, spectrophotometric, and chromatographic techniques. Two periods lecture and six periods laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 205, CHEM 321, and CHEM 321A; Offered alternate years; L. Welch
CHEM 328 Chemical Instrumentation (1/2 or 1)
An advanced survey of instrumental techniques used for the characterization of chemical systems and quantitative analyses. Methods for trace analysis included. When offered as a full credit course, CHEM 328 meets three periods a week plus a weekly laboratory exercise. When offered as a 1/2 credit course, CHEM 328 meets twice a week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 205 and CHEM 321; or permission of the instructor; Offered alternate years; L. Welch
CHEM 331 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
The application of symmetry and group theory to chemical bonding as described by molecular orbital theory. The structure and bonding of organometallic and coordination complexes is explicitly linked with chemical reactivity and physical properties. Four periods lecture and three periods discussion. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 321; T. Clayton
CHEM 348 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff
CHEM 395 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered to students in special areas of Chemistry not covered in the usual curriculum. Special topics courses may be initiated by groups of students or by the staff. For specific topics covered, consult the registration sheet. Staff
CHEM 399 Presentation Skills in Chemistry (1/2)
The preparation and experience of giving an oral presentation in a manner that is consistent with the Chemistry discipline will be addressed. Students may make use of one of the following for their seminar: an in-depth literature review, a research project at the 350 level, or an Honors project. The poster format for presentation will also be taught and students will be required to prepare a poster. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; Offered every Spring; Staff
CHEM 400 Advanced Studies (1/2 or 1)
See College Honors Program. Staff