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Directions to Green Oaks

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Green Oaks Field Station is located near the Spoon River in eastern Knox County, about 20 miles from the Knox campus. To reach Green Oaks, follow these directions:

1.  From Galesburg, take North Seminary Street to US Highway 34.

2.  From the Galesburg area, exit Interstate 74 and head east on US Highway 34.

3.  Signs will indicate you are heading toward Kewanee.

4.  After leaving Galesburg or Interstate 74, proceed for approximately four miles until reaching Wataga.

5.  While passing Wataga, look for a large farm equipment dealership. About 200 yards past the dealership, turn right, onto Illinois Highway 167.

6.  The road will go under a bridge and curve left—stay on 167.

7.  Proceed on 167 for approximately nine miles to Victoria.

8.  In Victoria, pass a small park on the right where an army surplus tank is parked.

9.  At the end of the park, take the first right. Look for a brown sign pointing toward Snake Den Hollow.

10.  Proceed past a small church and come to a stop sign. Proceed straight ahead on this road for approximately four and a half miles, until the pavement ends and turns into a gravel road. Proceed ahead.

11.  After about a quarter of a mile, look for a driveway on the left with a gate and a large sign, "Green Oaks Field Research Station."

12.  Turn in here and drive up the small hill. Sign in at the kiosk.

13.  To reach the dorm/teaching area, turn right. To reach the lake and picnic area, turn left.

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Printed on Friday, March 28, 2025