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William Hope
Chair & Associate Professor of Anthropology - Sociology
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401-4999
ANSO 102 Introduction to Anthropology
This class introduces students to a wide range of human societies and cultural forms throughout the world, along with some of the major concepts and methods that anthropologists have used to understand them. Our approach is ethnographic and comparative, with an emphasis on appreciating cultural complexity, understanding the global connections that link one society to another, and most of all, learning to think analytically about other people's lives and our own. PI; SA; Offered annually in fall and winter, sometimes in spring; Staff
ANSO 103 Introduction to Sociology
This introductory sociology course begins with an examination of globalization and social inequality in the U.S. from both a microsociological and macrosociological perspective. We then explore the "rationalization" of social and economic life and the social dimensions of consumerism. The course invites students to develop their "sociological imagination" by attempting to link their lives as workers and consumers to broader social and economic forces at work in the contemporary world. PI; SA; FOX course; Offered annually; G. Raley
ANSO 201 School and Society
Acquaints students with the forces that have shaped the formation of American public education and explores the social context of which schools are a part. The relationships between the school and the wider social, political, economic, and cultural order are explored. Course includes 20 hours of aiding at a local social service agency. Prerequisite(s): Not open to first-year, first term students; Cross Listing: EDUC 201; PI; SA; Staff
ANSO 203 Human Origins
Humankind's place in nature, the origins of humanoid traits, the nature of the earliest human societies, and the relation of biology to human behavior are discussed on the basis of current anthropological evidence. SI; Offered annually in winter; Staff
ANSO 205 Race and Ethnic Relations
This course examines the development and role of race and ethnicity in comparative perspective. Cross Listing: AFST 205; Offered annually, in fall and spring; Staff
ANSO 208 The Sociology of Gender
This course provides an examination of the ways in which social systems create, maintain, and reproduce gender dichotomies with specific attention to the significance of gender in interaction, culture, and a number of institutional contexts, including work, politics, family, and nation. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing and previous coursework in sociology; Cross Listing: GWST 208; Offered in alternate years; G. Raley
ANSO 212 Medical Anthropology
What role does culture play in the practice, provisioning, and experience of medicine? This course serves as an introduction to the key theoretical frameworks, ethical concerns, and empirical areas of research for medical anthropology. Moving beyond narrow conceptions of health as a solely biological process, we will focus on the complex ways that illness, health, and healing are entwined in social, economic, political, and cultural webs. Drawing on case studies from around the world, we look at a series of tensions that characterize the field: between biomedical and non-biomedical views of bodies, diseases, and health; between local understandings of health and an increasingly globalized systems of medical knowledge and practice; between the politics inherent in medical care and the political governance of access to health care; between health as a liberating condition and medicine as a vector of both productive and repressive power. Prerequisite(s): A 100-level ANSO course or permission of the instructor; J. Rubin
ANSO 213 Anthropology of Islam
This course provides an ethnographic introduction to contemporary Islam, highlighting the diversity of Muslim communities and reflecting on various forms of Islam practiced in different geographic, social, and cultural contexts. In addition, the course explores how Islam is represented within popular culture and considers how issues of power, identity (gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, class), and politics intersect with religious institutions and traditions. The first half of the course will introduce a range of historical and conceptual approaches to the study of Islam. The second half of the course will look at how contemporary Muslim communities negotiate questions of ethics and politics, focusing especially on debates over kinship, gender, education, and human rights. Cross Listing: RELS 213; M. Ran-Rubin
ANSO 218 Urban Sociology: Cities and Society
This course studies the sociological dimensions of urban life. It will focus on ideas about cities and the people who live there through a series of lenses including: city as symbol; city as locus of social relationships and cultural forms; city as a site of segregation, power, and capital. How do cities work and for whom? By combining theoretical readings with case studies, we will move from historical ethnographies of cities and communities to current studies of cities in sociological contexts. The course will begin with an overview of the field and then cover several advanced topics, such as the processes of urban change, urban poverty and social conflict, and strategies for urban revitalization. Prerequisite(s): Previous coursework in ANSO, and sophomore standing; Not currently offered; Staff
ANSO 220 Reading and Writing in Anthropology and Sociology
In this seminar, students will continue to develop the ability to read and write as social scientists. In order to be productive researchers, students need to read monographs and journal articles effectively and purposefully, which means that they need to develop a set of strategies for consuming and comprehending these types of academic work. Likewise, students need to be able to develop social scientific arguments, create literature reviews, and report on analytical conclusions. This course will help students continue to develop these skills, so that they can understand other people's research projects and communicate effectively their own. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing and previous coursework in ANSO or permission of the instructor; Not currently offered; Staff
ANSO 221 Art Work: Culture, Power, and Meaning in Aesthetic Practice
What is art? Who decides? What distinguishes ordinary objects from art and everyday activity from artistic practice? In this course, we conceive of art as a social construction: a product of situated social action rather than an essential thing-in-itself. Tracing the historical and cultural variation of the objects and practices now considered art, we analyze how artistic boundaries are maintained, contested, and subverted in everyday aesthetic practice. Students apply cultural theory and sociological research to analyze their own qualitative data, collected via semi-structured interviews with two artists of students' choosing. G. Raley
ANSO 223 Digital Ethnography Workshop: The Politics of Fighting "Fake News"
In this class, students will gain hands-on experience conducting digital research into ongoing efforts to combat fake news. Possible research topics include digital communities, health misinformation, Wikipedia, media literacy curricula, and technological solutions. Our concern is not only with the efficacy of these projects in combating misinformation. Instead, we look at how varied methods and pedagogies for determining facts structures our politics in subtle yet powerful ways. To help build our critical analysis of fake news, we draw on anthropological and critical media literacy readings on facticity and conspiracy theories, race and gender, religion and secularism, and the public sphere. Prerequisite(s): ANSO 102 or ANSO 103 or JOUR 123; Cross Listing: JOUR 223;PJST 223; J. Rubin
ANSO 229 American Crime and Punishment: Historical and Contemporary Mappings
The United States imprisons one in every hundred of its citizens, establishing it as the world's largest incarcerator. The over-representation of non-white bodies reflects the racial and economic apartheid persistent in America. This course traces historical and contemporary mappings of America's approach to crime and punishment in the context of broader political, social, and cultural currents. Some of the thematic concerns of this course include: slavery and the birth of the penitentiary; anti-prison resistance and reform movements; prison arts as resistance; prison writing; Indigenous incarceration; solitary confinement; queer abolition; and the carceral refracted through race, class, gender, sexuality, and disability. Cross Listing: PJST 229; PI; SA; Staff
ANSO 231 Native America: Identity and Adaptation
Cultural diversity of North American tribes at the time of contact, adaptive strategies of particular culture areas, intellectual and artistic traditions of native North America, and confrontation of Indian and European cultures are explored. Cross Listing: ENVS 231; Offered annually, in fall; Staff
ANSO 232 Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Africa
The course explores contemporary social and cultural changes in Sub-Saharan Africa through an anthropological lens. Anthropologically-based understandings of African peoples demonstrate how the lives of contemporary Africans are informed by the intersection of local, national, and global systems of culture, history, politics, economics, and environment. General readings and selected case studies provide a framework for a guided student-initiated research project. Prerequisite(s): ANSO 102 required. Students who have successfully completed other ANSO or PS/IR courses, or AFST 145, may be admitted by permission of the instructor.; Not currently offered; Staff
ANSO 234 Culture and Identity in the Caribbean
This course offers a study of the diversity and distinctiveness of cultural practices and social contexts of the Pan-Caribbean, understood broadly. We examine the rhythms of everyday life of Caribbean people and how these articulate with historic and contemporary experiences of migration - both forced and free - of remembrances and forgetting, of social organization and political economy, and of the affective power of cultural expressions and identities. We foreground these vantage points through a series of stories, essays, films, music, and selected ethnographic case studies. Prerequisite(s): one course in the department or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: AFST 236;LAST 234; Offered alternate years, in winter or spring; W. Hope
ANSO 235 Contemporary Buddhism in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia is home to the strand of Buddhism known as "Theravada". What is included in this category and how do Southeast Asians who call themselves Buddhist actually practice this religion? How has Theravada Buddhist practice changed in recent years, and what has prompted these changes? After providing some historical background, including attention to the rise of Buddhist modernist movements, this course will examine the contemporary practice of Buddhism in Burma, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, as well as its connections with Buddhist practice in other parts of the world. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing; Cross Listing: ASIA 235;RELS 235;RELS 235; Offered annually, in spring; Staff
ANSO 236 Ethnography of Southeast Asia
This course uses ethnographic inquiry to study the diverse nations, ethnicities, religious traditions, and cultural processes that comprise contemporary Southeast Asia. Highlighting the way Southeast Asia has always been deeply connected to other parts of the world, it considers the legacy of colonialism, religious and social transformations, internal and external migration, the consequences of tourism, and the role of global capital in local economies. Cross Listing: ASIA 236; Offered occasionally; Staff
ANSO 237 Music and Culture in the Americas
This class seeks to understand music making and dance as powerfully affective expressive cultural practices that people invest with social value and meaning. We will study a series of conceptual frameworks as well as basic music terminology for thinking about, listening to, and discussing music in specific cultural contexts. Case studies covered include music making in Cuba; Brazil; indigenous and mestizo musics in Peru; North American old-time country, music of the 'folk revival', and of the civil rights movement, among other case studies. This class is designed for non-music majors (although music majors are certainly welcome). Prerequisite(s): One previous course in ANSO or MUS, or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: LAST 237;MUS 237; Offered occasionally; W. Hope
ANSO 241 Social Movements
Analysis of the origins, strategies and political impact of social movements. Readings focus mainly on American movements including the Civil Rights movement, the Gay and Lesbian movement, the Labor movement and the Christian Right. Cross Listing: PS 241; PI; D. Oldfield
ANSO 243 Community Engagement: Theory, Practice, and the Politics of Help
Why do community service? What does it mean to help? Do communities need outside help in order to thrive? What should that help look like? What is the difference between help and engagement? In this course, we will explore the uniquely American perspective on community service and community engagement in order to answer the aforementioned questions. We will begin with some historical foundations in the U.S. to recent attention on ways to build community via engaged participation. We will also challenge ourselves through comparative analysis of neighborhood-based responses to local and national policies. This is a discussion and project-based course. Not currently offered;
ANSO 244 From Self-Help to Self-Care: The History and Politics of Working on Ourselves
This course examines the rise of a discourse on "self-care," including its historical relationship to an older and more extensive discourse on "self-help." After an historical overview, we will read examples of both advocates and critics, drawing upon a mix of popular and academic sources. Although we will concentrate primarily on examples from the United States, some consideration will be given to the global reach of these discourses. Each student will choose their own case study to explore in depth. Throughout, we will ask, what are the social and political consequences of "working on" the self? Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing, or permission of the instructor; Staff
ANSO 246 Working: The Experience, Structure, and Culture of Work in the U.S.
Work is one of our fundamental social activities. Our jobs define our identities, structure our days, and condition how we interpret the world around us. At the same time, work stratifies our population, creating highly divergent social and economic opportunities based on occupation and income. In this course, we use a range of sociological approaches to investigate the shape, nature, meaning, and outcome of work in the U.S., linking social theory, the everyday experience of work, and the sociopolitical structure of society. Offered occasionally; G. Raley
ANSO 247 Anthropology of Religion
This course provides an anthropological introduction to the study of religion, highlighting the diversity of faith communities and reflecting on various forms of religion and ritual practiced in different geographic, social, and cultural contexts. In addition, the course explores how religion is represented within popular culture and considers how issues of power, identity (gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, class), and politics intersect with religious institutions and traditions. The first half of the course will introduce a range of historical and conceptual approaches to the study of religion. The second half of the course will look at how contemporary faith communities negotiate questions of ethics and politics, focusing especially on debates over kinship, gender, education, and human rights. Cross Listing: RELS 247; SA, PI; M. Ran-Rubin
ANSO 249 Religion, Human Rights, and Activism
From the UN human rights council to civil rights in the US and anti-apartheid activism in South Africa, global rights-based movements have deep roots in faith-based communities. This course will explore the intersection of social movements, human rights, and religion. On the one hand, we look at how states and international bodies manage the right to religious freedom through legal regimes and minority rights. On the other hand, we look at faith-based social movements working on civil rights, women's rights, genocide, and indigenous activism. In so doing, we examine the complex interplay between diverse religious practice and emerging social movements in an increasingly globalized world. Cross Listing: RELS 249; M. Ran-Rubin
ANSO 254 Food Systems
This course examines multi-faceted systems that make possible the daily food we eat on the Knox campus and beyond. Through systems thinking and agroecological approaches, we consider the sources of our food, the ways people are socially connected, divided, and organized through food, the labor conditions and environmental consequences of small and large-scale agriculture, and the post-consumer routes of food. Through readings, films, site visits, and hands-on participation, we cover a range of practical, ethical, and logistical challenges and opportunities in our understanding of and engagements with local, regional, and global food systems. Prerequisite(s): One previous course in ANSO or ENVS; Cross Listing: ENVS 254; Offered alternate years; W. Hope
ANSO 255 Exploring Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative agricultural systems seek to produce nutritious food in ways that restore habitat and biodiversity to landscapes, minimize energy and chemical inputs, and support greater social-ecological wellbeing. This class explores key principles and practices of regenerative systems design that help communities keep resources and productions more locally based, enhance local soil structure and microbiology, and provide collaborative contexts for community education and engagement. This class offers hands-on, active learning as we work together to explore annual and perennial food production at the Knox Farm, mushroom cultivation techniques, herbal plant guilds, bioregional herbalism, community-scaled composting, and organize community-based educational events. Prerequisite(s): One previous course in ANSO or ENVS; Cross Listing: ENVS 255; IMMR; W. Hope; K. Hope
ANSO 256 Examining the Anthropocene
In the early 21st century, the term 'Anthropocene' emerged to characterize the increasingly extensive impact of human generated transformations of ecological, geological, and biological processes at global proportions. This class examines the arguments surrounding the concept of the Anthropocene and accelerated demands on natural resources and corresponding eco-systemic pressures. We incorporate the insights of cultural ecology regarding the interrelationships of social, political, and economic organization and the local and regional environments within which humans live. Through ethnographic case studies, we examine the contested social and political fields in which people are making sense of, adapting to, and engaging these global transformations. Prerequisite(s): One previous course in ANSO or ENVS; Cross Listing: ENVS 256; Offered alternate years, in spring; W. Hope
ANSO 260 Topics and Methods in Ethnomusicology
Ethnomusicology can be defined as the study of music outside the Western classical tradition, or as the study of music as cultural practice. Our modes of ethnomusicological inquiry may include structural functionalism, paradigmatic structuralism, Marxist explanations, literary and dramaturgical theories, performance theory, gender and identity issues, and postcolonial and global issues. Cross Listing: MUS 260; Staff
ANSO 262 Law and Society
Law shapes our day to day lives in countless ways, from mundane disputes over parking violations to urgent struggles over community policing and the use of lethal force. In this class, we will study law as a social institution and "law in action", which is often at variance with "law on the books". This requires examining both the role of official legal institutions (courts) and legal actors (judges, lawyers, etc.) as well as the ways in which law operates through implicit norms, symbols, and public institutions. In addition, as some of you may have an interest in pursuing a legal career, we will consider how the legal profession and the practice of law have changed over time and the enduring hierarchies that have remained. We will ask questions such as "what makes us follow the law?" and "how does law affect our daily lives?" How is the law mobilized and deployed by professionals and ordinary citizens? And finally, as a social institution, how has the law both reflected and reinforced inequality over time? Reading materials will focus on the micro-politics of legal interaction within neighborhoods, communities, workplaces, families, and social movements. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; M. Ran-Rubin
ANSO 263 Global Migration
In recent years, profound changes in the global economy, climate change, and transnational politics have culminated in large movements of people in almost every region. This course examines how people experience displacement, migration, and statelessness; how home, community and belonging are reconstituted both in exile and through the making of diaspora communities. We will also pursue related questions about how international laws, national policies, and practices of social exclusion or inclusion influence the broader context of migration. How do population movements affect politics at the international, regional, and local levels � and vice versa? In what ways are relations of kinship, family, and gender being reformulated in response to transnational movements? Reading materials will include ethnographic studies of migrant and diaspora communities, policy reports on the international refugee regime, literary works produced by migrant authors, and a sampling of mainstream media reporting on immigration in the US and around the globe. Cross Listing: IS 263; M. Ran-Rubin
ANSO 270 Language and Culture
An examination of the relationship of language to culture and social organization. Topics include the relationship between language and thought, ways in which language structure (phonology and grammar) is shaped by culture, and communicative styles as culturally-embedded behavior. Prerequisite(s): a 100-level Anthropology and Sociology course or permission of the instructor; Offered occasionally; Staff
ANSO 275 Dying, Death, and Mourning
This course offers an overview of how anthropologists approach the problem of death, dying, burials, and mourning. This class seeks to complicate popular ideas of death as a universal experience. It does so by examining the diverse ways humans experience the social and biological fact of death using rituals, medical procedures, and political processes. In so doing, students will deepen their understanding of how anthropologists analyze biomedical technologies, political processes, traditional rituals, and material culture surrounding the life course. Prerequisite(s): one course in Anthropology and Sociology or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: LAST 275; SA; J. Rubin
ANSO 276 Human Rights and Humanitarianism: Anthropological Approaches
This course explores the difficulties and opportunities that result from putting anthropology into conversation with human rights and humanitarianism. Human Rights and Humanitarianism are usually premised on a universal model of rights that transcends cultural differences. Anthropology, as the study of human diversity, has had an ambivalent relationship to such universalist claims. By ethnographically exploring medical humanitarianism, grassroots human rights activism, military humanitarianism, and post-conflict justice, we seek to interrogate the premises, potentials, pitfalls, and power relations of human rights and humanitarianism. We also seek to articulate how anthropologists can productively contribute to and constructively critique human rights and humanitarian work around the world. Prerequisite(s): ANSO 102 or 103 or PREC 124 or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: PJST 276; SA, PI; Offered alternate years; J. Rubin
ANSO 280 - ANSO 281 Social Service Internship
This course combines experiential learning and academic study to investigate the practical, social and theoretical issues of social work. At the beginning of this two-term, two-credit course sequence, students are placed as interns in local social service organizations. Students have interned with a wide variety of populations (e.g. the elderly, the developmentally delayed, at-risk teens, domestic violence victims) across a broad range of issues and practices (e.g. teen reproductive health and education, public housing, Teen Court, individual counseling, legal assistance). In the classroom, students discuss and analyze their internship experiences, while also exploring the principles of introductory social work practice. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; ANSO 280 is a prerequisite for ANSO 281; Cross Listing: PJST 280; offered annually, in winter-spring; Staff
ANSO 282 Language and Social Identity
This course explores the study of language and its relationships to individual, ethnic, and national identities. We consider selected cases, examining the political, economic, and other sociocultural factors which shape patterns of language loyalties, language use, and language policies. Since the power of various major languages to evoke loyalty and to advance the interests of certain social groups crosses international boundaries, we examine some of the processes involved in the spread of world languages, particularly English. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing; Cross Listing: IS 282; Offered fall term; J. Anderson
ANSO 295 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Anthropology and Sociology not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
ANSO 300 Modern Theories of Society and Culture
Major nineteenth and twentieth century theorists are discussed, with particular attention given to the emergence of the disciplines of anthropology and sociology and the types of social theory that have been developed. Majors should take this course in the junior year. Prerequisite(s): two courses in the department; Offered annually, in winter; G. Raley
ANSO 301 Methodologies in Sociology and Anthropology
An examination of philosophical, theoretical and practical issues that arise when humans attempt to study other humans scientifically. The strengths and weaknesses of a variety of methodological strategies that have been devised by social scientists to deal with these issues are explored. Majors should take this course in the senior year. Prerequisite(s): ANSO 300 or permission of the instructor; Offered annually, in fall; Staff
ANSO 310 The Anthropology of STEM
In popular understanding, we tend to think of scientists, doctors, and engineers as occupying relatively apolitical positions. While debates over government funding priorities or diversity in the laboratory occasionally pop up, we usually imagine scientists at the laboratory bench, striving for the discovery of objective truths; doctors discovering cures for natural ailments; and engineers seeking to innovate new solutions to technical problems. By contradistinction, this course begins from the premise that science, technology, and medicine are inherently political acts. That is, they are both the product of social conditions and, in turn, the condition of possibility for our collective ways of life. In calling science, medicine, and technology political acts, we do not seek to dismiss their forms of practice (nor, for many of the authors we read, their claims to objectivity). Rather, in this course, we strive to understand how the existence of these expert communities affect and are affected by democratic politics. J. Rubin
ANSO 321 Microsociology: Explorations into Everyday Life
Microsociology is the study of the taken-for-granted world of everyday interaction. Proceeding from the assumption that people cannot help but engage in interpretation and meaning making as they move through their daily lives, this course aims to uncover the patterns and structures by which these interpretations are made. We assume that common sense, group action, and social institutions are "achievements" that must be explained through the study of face-to-face interaction. Topics in this course include the structures of interaction, the production of reality, the self, conversational patterns, and the interactional foundations of social institutions. Prerequisite(s): One ANSO course or permission of the instructor; Offered alternate years; G. Raley
ANSO 326 Psychological Anthropology: Self, Culture, and Society
How is our subjective experience of ourselves and others shaped by the social and cultural context in which we live? How might one investigate this? Are Western accounts of human psychology valid cross-culturally? Drawing on recent research in the field of psychological anthropology, this course takes a comparative approach to such topics as emotional experience and its expression, gender identity, the role of power in social life, language and discursive practices, notions of self and personhood, and the indigenous representation of these in various 'folk theories' or ethnopsychologies. Prerequisite(s): two courses in Anthropology and Sociology and junior standing; ANSO 102 recommended; Cross Listing: GWST 326; Offered occasionally; Staff
ANSO 328 Race & Gender in the U.S. Welfare State
This course examines how political, economic, and cultural ideologies regarding race and gender work(ed) to frame the conception and creation of both the U.S. Welfare State and U.S. welfare policy. We will engage these ideas through an historical exploration of the ways that the U.S. Welfare State was enacted, framed, and codified through policy. In addition we will analyze how the creation of the Welfare State and its subsequent policies reflect American identity and cultural norms, and reinforce social inequities along racial and gendered lines. Prerequisite(s): ANSO 103 and Junior standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: AMST 328;GWST 328; Not currently offered;
ANSO 341 Anthropology of the Senses
This course explores a basic premise: sensory perception is as much a cultural act as a physical or biological function. In this class, we will consider a number of scholarly debates and concerns regarding the inter-relations of the senses with historically dynamic human bodily experience. What does it mean to study the senses? What are the possible relationships among physiological capacities; social, political, and economic organizations; and their corresponding relations of power? How might we examine the various ways in which food, drink, art, music, dance, and other corporeal practices are mediated through personal and collective ideologies and practices around the affective and the sensual? Prerequisite(s): One previous course in ANSO; Offered alternate years, in winter; W. Hope
ANSO 342 Sound Cultures
In this course, we examine how sounds are enacted through diverse cultural practices and invested with individual and collective meanings. We engage these phenomena through sensory ethnographies, films, cultural histories of sound reproduction technologies, and soundscape mapping. Students will refine their ethnographic techniques to document and make sense of the acoustic ecologies of Knox County and beyond. Prerequisite(s): One previous course in ANSO or MUS; Offered alternate years, in winter; W. Hope
ANSO 344 Power of the Past: Memory, History, Forgetting
From conflicts over Confederate monuments to battles over school textbooks, from lawsuits seeking monetary reparations for state violence to the proliferation of historical museums, the question of how to narrate the past is increasingly central to the ways we define our individual and collective identities. In this class, we examine how anthropological theory and ethnographic practice can contribute to understanding the stakes of historical representation. In so doing, we ask: How do societies remember their past? How should they? What is at stake in labeling certain narrations of the past as "history" and others as "memory?" And how does the way we describe the past reflect, affect, and transform relations of power in the present? Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing and two ANSO courses, or permission of the instructor; Offered alternate years; J. Rubin
ANSO 345 Crime and Policing in Latin America
From San Salvador to Rio de Janeiro and from Mexico City to Bogota, a number of Latin American cities now frequently proclaim themselves to be "the most violent city in the world." In this course, we examine the recent wave of violence perpetrated by non-, para-, and state actors in Latin America through an ethnographic perspective and place these ethnographies into conversation with social scientific approaches to crime, violence, and human rights. Examining law breaking in the 21st century provides a lens through which to work through the meanings of states, citizenship, and identity. In this context, we ask: What constitutes criminal activity and who decides the answer to this question? How and when does crime threaten the state? What is the relationship between the violence of state and non-state actors? How can we rethink globalization through the lens of criminal activity? Readings will examine the experience of crime in post-Civil War San Salvador, criminality resulting from the securitization of the U.S.-Mexico border, the mirroring of criminal and state enterprises in Brazil, and surveillance technologies in Mexico City. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing and 2 courses in ANSO, or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: LAST 345; Offered alternate years; J. Rubin
ANSO 348 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff
ANSO 395 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Anthropology and Sociology not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
ANSO 398 Research Design
Working closely with a departmental faculty member, each student prepares a research proposal including appropriate theoretical and methodological background materials and a detailed research design to be implemented in ANSO 399. During periodic group meetings, issues that have emerged in research design are shared and alternative solutions are discussed. Prerequisite(s): ANSO 300 and 301, or senior standing, or permission of the instructor; Offered annually, in winter; Staff
ANSO 399 Research Seminar
Working closely with a departmental faculty member, each student executes the research design prepared in ANSO 398 and prepares a "professional" research report. These reports are orally summarized and discussed during group meetings toward the end of the term. Prerequisite(s): ANSO 398 or permission of the department; Offered annually, in spring; Staff
ANSO 400 Advanced Studies (1/2 or 1)
See College Honors Program. Staff