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Visiting Assistant Professor of Modern Languages/German
Years at Knox: 2022 to present
Ph.D., German, 2023, University of Wisconsin
M.A., German, 2016, University of Wisconsin
B.A., French/German, 2010, Truman State University
Teaching Interests
Nineteenth Century to Twenty-first Century German, Austrian, and Swiss Literature and Culture, with Concentrations in Film, Refugee Literature, and Fairy Tales; Middle High German literature; World Literature; Folklore; Remediation and Adaptation; Fairy Tales and Folktales; All levels of German language instruction
"Pregnancy, Purity, and Bodily Autonomy in 'New Originals' of 'Rapunzel'." Special Issue of German Quarterly: German Fairytales and Folklore in a Global Context. Eds. Laurie Ruth Johnson, Angelika Kraemer, and Carl Niekerk. 2021: 187-196.
"Es war (noch) einmal: Grimm Versions of New Fairytales in the GDR." Special Issue of Colloquia Germanica: New Perspectives on Young Adult GDR literature and Film. Eds. Ada Bieber and Sonja E. Klocke. 2019: 77-99. (with Melissa Sheedy).
"Brothers Grimm: From the Oral to the Literary and Beyond." A Companion to World Literature Vol. 4. Ed. Ken Seigneurie. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 2019. 2325-2336.
Five-part lecture Series: "Türkische Migration nach Deutsch land: Einblicke, Riickblicke, Ausblicke" (Turkish Immigration into the Federal Republic of Germany: Past, Present, & Future) Organized by Sonja E. Klocke (OW-Madison) and Ela Gezen (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), 2021.
"Oh How Times Have Changed!-Negotiating Nuance and New Depictions in Disney's Fairy Tales"
GER276 From Grimm to Gryffindor: German Fairytales [Re)Imagined, Melissa Sheedy, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021.
"Wishing on Stars and Stereotypes: Racism, Stereotypes, and the Changing Tale", GER276 From Grimm to Gryffindor: German Fairytales (Re)lmagined, Melissa Sheedy, Ph.D University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021.
"Hast du schon lugen gelernt?"-Sex, Truth, and Loyalty in Fairy-tale Film after DEFA", DEFA@75: Critical Questions Today (2): Gender and Sexuality (virtual) 2021 German Studies Association (GSA) Conference, 2021.
"In Ihrem Zorne: Raging Maidens and Witches in Fairytale Film Adaptations", Fairy Tales: New Ways of Reading/New Ways of Teaching, 2021 Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (KFLC) (virtual), 2021.
"'When I'm a Human Being': Disney's Remediations of 'The Frog King or Iron Henry'", Seminar: Transmedia Adaptations of Literary 'Classics' in 20th- and 21st-century Artistic Expression, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) 2021 (virtual), 2021
"Products of Their Time and Place: The Cultural Curiosities of Disney's Animated Films from Snow White to Frozen II", GER 276 Grim[m) Stories: Comparative Fairy Tales in English Translation, Vanessa Plumly, Ph.D. Lawrence University, 2020.
"'Modern' Germany and Current Culture: Summers in Berlin and Nuremberg" University League "Armchair Travelers" Group, 2021.
Frozen II Talkback, With Tom Dubois and Scott Mellor Advance preview and talkback of Disney's Frozen II, 2019.
Professional Affiliations
GDGSA (German and Dutch Graduate Student Association)
ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association)
GSA (German Studies Association)
WiG (Women in German)
AA TG (American Association of Teachers of German)
DDGC (Diversity, Decolonialization, and the German Curriculum)