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Ole Forsberg


Ole Forsberg

Associate Professor of Mathematics; Chair of Statistics

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Associate Professor of Mathematics; Chair of Statistics; Chair of Data Science

Ole ForsbergYears at Knox: 2016 to present


Ph.D., Statistics, 2014, Oklahoma State University.
M.S.E., Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2010, John Hopkins University.
Ph. D., Political Science, 2006, University of Tennessee.
M.A., Political Science, 2005, University of Tennessee.
M.A.T., Secondary Education: Mathematics and Science Education, 1992, John Hopkins University.
B.S., Mathematics, 1990, University of Portland.

Professional Interests

Teaching Interests

Selected Professional Accomplishments


  • Carl E. Marshall Award for Outstanding PhD Graduate in Statistics, Oklahoma State University (2015)
  • Outstanding TA for the College Arts and Sciences, Oklahoma State University (2014)
  • Creighton University Graduate School Academic Grant  (Fall 2007)
  • "Torchbearer" Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Tennessee (2006)
  • Department of Political Science Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant (Spring 2005)
  • Department of Political Science Graduate Student Development Grant (Spring 2005)
  • Yates Dissertation Fellowship, University of Tennessee: $15,000 (2005)
  • Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor Society, University of Tennessee (2005)
  • Graduate Fellow, American Academy of Political and Social Science (2004)
  • Delta Epsilon Sigma National Honor Society, University of Portland, 1990
  • Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society, University of Portland, 1987

Forsberg, Ole J. Terrorism and Nationalism Theory, Causes and Causers. Neue Ausg. ed. Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag, 2012.

Forsberg, Ole J. "R for Starters, V0.57741." March 17, 2015.

Solomon, Benjamin G., and Ole J. Forsberg. "A Comparison of Bayesian Linear Regression and Ordinary Least Squares Regression in the Estimation of Oral Reading Fluency Slopes under the Presence of Normal and Non-Normal Error Structures." (In Prep)

Forsberg, Ole J. "The Generalized Benford Distribution." (In Prep)

Forsberg, Ole J., and Mark E. Payton. "Are Political Polls Telling Us What We Need to Know? The Eroding of Battleground State Presidential Polling Performances." Statistics and Public Policy 2, no. 1 (2015). doi:10.1080/2330443X.2015.1034389.

Forsberg, Ole J. "Liberal versus Conservative: Do terrorist groups care which party is in power?" in Democracy and Global Security: The Proceedings of the Second Istanbul Conference on Democracy and Global Security. Ankara, Turkey: ONCU Press, 2007.

Forsberg, Ole J. "Another Shot at the Democratic Peace: Are Democracies More Aggressive than Non-Democracies in Militarized Interstate Disputes?" Journal of Humanities and Social Science 1, no. 2 (2007).

"Reports of the death of polling have been greatly exaggerated," The Conversation. November 9, 2016.

Payton, Mark E., and Ole J. Forsberg. "Statistics Professors Give Fox News a B- on Their Big Polling Test." The Conversation. August 6, 2015.

Payton, Mark E., and Ole J. Forsberg. "Polling is More Complex than Fox News Boss Roger Ailes Wants You to Know." The Conversation. August 4, 2015.

Schryver, Jack, Line Pouchard, Ole Forsberg, Sophia Moskalenko, Steve Pampinella. "Social Science of Group Conflict and Violence." Prepared for and Funded by the Department of Homeland Security S&T Human Factors Division. Location: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 2008.

Forsberg, Ole J. Encyclopedia of American Parties and Elections. Edited by Larry J. Sabato and Howard Ernst. New York: Facts on File, 2006: "At-Large Elections"; "Voting by Mail"

Forsberg, Ole J. Encyclopedia of Civil Rights and Liberties. Edited by Otis Stephens, John Scheb, and Kara Stooksbury. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006: "The Polygraph"; "In re Quirin"; "Classical Conservatism"; "Johnson v. Eisentrager"

Feldman, David L., Jennie R. Cassie, Ole J. Forsberg. "Regional Efforts to Deploy Clean Coal Technologies: Impacts and implications for water supply and quality." Prepared for the Southern States Energy Board. Funded by the US Department of Energy and the Southeast Water Supply Initiative. 2004.


"Modeling the Free and Fair Election." Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University - Kingsville, March 2015, Kingsville, TX.

"Mahinda Rajapaksa and Electoral Forensics: An investigation into the past three Sri Lankan presidential elections." Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan - Dearborn, January 2015, Dearborn, Michigan.

"Five Elections and Two Regimes in Egypt." Department of Statistics, Oklahoma State University, November 2014, Stillwater, Oklahoma.

"Polls in the United States: Getting information from the nation." Department of Statistics, Oklahoma State University, November 2012, Stillwater, Oklahoma.

"Liberal versus Conservative: Do terrorist groups care which party is in power?" Second Istanbul Conference on Democracy and Global Security, June 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.


"Free and Fair? Investigating the results of the 2010 Sri Lankan presidential election." International Studies Association-Midwest, November 2011, St. Louis, MO.

"Does it Really Matter: Does the definition of terrorism really matter in the case of ‘The Troubles' of Northern Ireland (1969-2002)?" Western Political Science Association, March 2008, San Diego, CA.

"Government Orientation as a Correlate of Terrorism: Do terror groups respond to the level of parliamentary conservatism?" Nordic International Studies Association, May 2007, Odense, Denmark.

"Terror and the Ballot Box: Do terror groups respond to a government's political orientation?" Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies, July 2006, The Hague, Netherlands.

"Political Parties and Terrorism: Another reason democracies are more prone to domestic terrorism." International Studies Association, March 2006, San Diego, CA.

"Political Parties, Terrorism, and a Formal Theory." International Studies Association-South, November 2005, Miami, FL.

"Democracies as a Target of Terrorism: Open societies and political parties." International Studies Association-Midwest, October 2005, St. Louis, MO.

"Ethnonational Terrorism: An empirical theory of indicators at the State level, 1985-2000." World International Studies, August 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.

"The Democratic Peace Thesis and the First Use of Force." International Studies Association-Midwest, November 2004, St. Louis, MO.


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