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Scott W. DeWitt


Scott DeWitt

Chair & Associate Professor of Educational Studies

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Chair & Associate Professor of Educational Studies

Scott DeWitt

Years at Knox: 2014 to present

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2004. 
M.A., Northern Kentucky University, 1996.
B.A., Hope College, 1981.

Selected Professional Accomplishments


DeWitt, S. W. & Podwojski, E. (‘20) (2024). Rural teachers’ postpandemic use of technology tools. In H. An & D.A. Fuentes, Digital learning in high-needs schools: A critical approach to technology access and equity in preK-12. New York: Routledge.

DeWitt, S. W., Lagunas, P. (‘24) & Lerner, J. (‘24) (2021). Review of Stitzlein, S.M. (2020). Learning how to hope: Reviving democracy through our schools and civil society. Teachers College Record. ID Number: 23695.

Marks, M. & DeWitt, S.W. (2020). Teaching diversity: Activities to start the conversation. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.

DeWitt, S. W. & Dilley, N. ('17) "Civic Engagement and Economic institutions: The Understanding Fiscal Responsibility lesson materials," The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies 78.1 (2017).

DeWitt, S.W., Patterson, N., Blankenship, W., Blevins, B., DiCamillo, L., Gerwin, D., ... Sullivan, Caroline C. "The lower-order expectations of high-stakes tests: A four-state analysis of social studies standards and test alignment." Theory and Research in Social Education, 41(3), 382-427, 2013.

"The nature of evidence and interpretation in history. In E. Heilman (Ed.) with R.F. Amthor & M.T. Missias, Social Studies and Diversity Education: What We Do and Why We Do It (p. 120-122). New York: Routledge, 2010.

"Uniting technology and reflection: Electronic journaling in a social studies methods class." With Seo, K.K., and Byk, A. Ohio Social Studies Review, 45(1), 43-50, 2009.

"Education for democracy, inquiry pedagogy, and the Internet". In P.J VanFossen & M.J. Berson (Eds.), The Electronic Republic? The Impact of Technology on Education for Citizenship. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2008.

Dividing the digital divide: Instructional use of computers in social studies. Theory and Research in Social Education, 35(2), 277-304, 2007.


DeWitt, S. W., Marks, M. Lipscomb, G., & Aydinian-Perry, A. (2023, November). University vs. school - Pushback from the field. Roundtable at the College and University Faculty Assembly (CUFA) of the NCSS Conference, Nashville, TN.

DeWitt, S. W. & Marks, M. (2021, November). Teaching diversity: Activities to start the conversation. Presentation for the virtual National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Conference.

Camardese, A., Cartwright, A., DeWitt, S., Fragnoli, K., Haas, B., Previte, M., ... Vosburg-Bluem, B. (2019, November). Taking informed action: How to structure and support student action in K-12 social studies classrooms. Roundtable at the College and University Faculty Assembly (CUFA) of the NCSS Conference, Austin, TX.

"Inter-rater agreement, Authentic Intellectual Work, and research design." Gerwin, D., DeWitt, S.W., Gunn, J. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Boston, Massachusetts, 2014.

"The lower-order expectations of high stakes tests: A four-state analysis of social studies standards and test alignment." DeWitt, S. W., Patterson, N. C., Blankenship, W., Blevins, B., DiCamillo, L., Gerwin, D., Stoddard, J.  Keynote presentation for the American Educational Research Association Social Studies Research Special Interest Group, 2014.

"Authentic intellectual work: Assessment in secondary social studies". Workshop presented for EDUC 3740 - Social Studies Seminar, Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio, 2013.

"To test or not to test: That is no longer the question". Patterson, N. C., & DeWitt, S. W. Keynote address presented at the Ohio Council for the Social Studies annual meeting, Columbus, Ohio, 2013.

"Ohio elementary principals report on the state of social studies since high-stakes test elimination". Patterson, N. C., Maguth, B. M., DeWitt, S. W., Doppen, F. H., Harshman, J. R., Augustine, T. A. Paper presented at the 2013 American Educational Research Association Conference, San Francisco, California, 2013.

"Learning about and writing for journals in the Social Studies". Sunal, C.S., Avery, P., DeWitt, S.W., Banaszak, R., Bohan, C. H. Panel presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Conference, Seattle, Washington, 2012.

"Scoring high-stakes assessment tasks using AIW Standards and Bloom's Revised Taxonomy". Paper presented at the International Didactics of History Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2012.

"The lower-order expectations of high stakes tests: A six-state analysis". Patterson, N. C., DeWitt, S. W., Saye, J. W., Blankenship, W., Gradwell, J. M., & Sullivan, C. C. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2012.

"It is what we do that defines us: Research in social studies and technology". Paper presented at the 2012 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference, Austin, Texas, 2012.

"Learning about and writing for journals in the social studies". Avery, P., DeWitt, S.W., Glen, J. Panel presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Conference, Washington, DC, 2011.

"Social studies education journals: Editors, authors, & readers forum". Panel presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Conference, Denver, Colorado, 2010.

"Reflecting on methods: Social studies pre-service teachers' use of electronic journaling". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, 2009.

Seo, K.K., DeWitt, S.W., Byk, A. (2009, March). Empowering student reflection with technology: Using electronic journaling in a social studies methods class in teacher education. Presentation at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference, Charleston, SC.

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