Division of Student Development
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
Fax: 309-341-7077
Consistent with Knox College’s historical commitment to inclusivity, the College today aims to create a campus that is welcoming for all students, staff, and faculty and a climate that is safe and respectful.
Bias Incident refers to verbal or physical action committed against or directed toward a person or to a person’s property because of the person’s actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender identity or expression, marital status, order of protection status, disability, military status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or unfavorable discharge from military service. Bias Incidents may include, but are not limited to, name calling, use of epithets, slurs or degrading language directed toward the targeted person or group, vandalism, symbols, and other offenses against property involving graffiti or degrading images, threats or harassment.
It is imperative that we respond as a unified educational community to address such behavior, while respecting the rights of all individuals to freedom of speech and expression. It is Knox College’s position that acts of bias may require a response that asks all members of our community to uphold our shared values of goodwill and acceptance.
A team of College officials serves as the Bias Education and Support Team and are responsible for coordinating responses to any reported bias incidents. The Bias Education and Support Team is composed of:
Depending on the nature of the alleged incident and whether the parties involved are faculty, staff, students, contractors, visitors or guests, the specific individuals responsible for responding to the incident may vary. The BEST will follow up with the reporting party in all cases, unless the report is submitted anonymously. During this follow up, BEST will inform the reporting party that they are not obligated to interact with BEST and that any interactions between BEST and the reporting party are entirely voluntary.
The initial assessment of the report will be done by the Director of Title IX & Civil Rights as soon as possible.
An appropriate member of the BEST will follow up with the reporting party, if the report is not anonymous. In communicating with the other identified party (or parties), if the BEST member is a Campus Safety employee or disciplinary official, the BEST member will clarify to the identified parties that the BEST member is acting in their capacity as a BEST member and not as a law enforcement or disciplinary official.
If the report is not anonymous, BEST will offer to provide support to the reporting party.
Reporting bias may lead to informal actions in response to concerns identified, such as supportive resources for impacted community members.
If the reported conduct could violate a campus policy, the report may lead to formal actions, such as investigations, which typically occur through referral to formal processes such as the Discrimination and Harassment resolution or Student Conduct processes.
When appropriate and when the reporting party and the other involved party agree to participate, BEST will invite the reporting party and the other involved party to participate in voluntary conversations regarding the reported incident. This is also referred to generally as restorative practices or Restorative Justice.
The College will adhere to its annual Clery Act reporting obligations when an incident is classified as a hate crime.
Knox College recognizes that bias incidents may cause harm to community members in various ways. We are committed to providing support and resources, as available to any reporting party throughout and beyond this process.
The following College offices are available for any community member who may wish to seek assistance.
Dean of the College
Old Main 107
Vice President for Student Development
Old Main 101
Dean of Students
Old Main 101
Associate Dean of the College
Old Main 105
Human Resources
Admin Services 109
Campus Safety
Admin Services 105
Title IX Coordinator
Old Jail 12
Counseling Services
Furrow Hall
Intercultural Life
HOPE Center
International Student Services
Alumni Hall 105
Campus Life
Seymour 137
Disability Support Services
SMC 111
Materially adverse action taken against a person because the person made a good faith report of a bias incident, or participated in the response to a bias incident, including by serving as a witness or support person.
An individual who reports a Bias Incident, alleging that they have been the recipient of, witnessed, or otherwise become aware of a bias incident.
An individual who has been reported to have engaged in conduct that could constitute Discrimination, Harassment, or Bias Incident in violation of this Policy.
Purpose: The purpose of the Bias Reporting System is to document and respond to bias-related incidents experienced by community members and to provide affected community members with support and resources.
Tracking: The Bias Education and Support Team tracks and reviews bias- related reports and identifies opportunities for educational programming.
Possible Outcomes: Reporting bias may lead to informal actions in response to concerns identified, such as supportive resources for impacted community members. Reporting bias may also lead to formal actions, such as investigations, which typically occur through referral to formal processes such as the Discrimination and Harassment Policy or Student Conduct processes.
How to File a Complaint: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?KnoxCollege&layout_id=11
Purpose: The Discrimination and Harassment Investigation and Resolution Procedures apply to all allegations of discrimination and harassment, as defined in the College’s Discriminiation and Harassment Policy, and outline the College’s approach to addressing reports of discimination and harassment.
Tracking: The College will maintain documentation and records regarding alleged bias-related incidents and their resolution in a manner that protects the confidentiality of the parties involved, complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and to the extent possible excludes personally identifiable information about victims of bias incidents. If a student, faculty, or staff member has been found responsible for a bias-related incident, this finding remains a part of that student’s or employee’s conduct record.
Possible Outcomes: Sanctioning by the appropriate College official.
How to File a Complaint: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?KnoxCollege&layout_id=9
Purpose: The College's Title IX Sexual Harassment Procedures and Sexual Misconduct Procedures have been established to address complaints alleging violations of this Policy.
The Investigation and Resolution Procedures for allegations of Title IX Sexual Harassment outline the College’s approach to addressing reports of Title IX sexual harassment.
Tracking: The College will retain records specified in 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(10) for a period of at least ten years, after which point in time they may be destroyed, or continue to be retained, at the College’s sole discretion.
Possible Outcomes: When a determination is made that an individual is responsible for an act or acts of Title IX Sexual Harassment, the appropriate sanctions are determined based on several factors, including the severity of the conduct and any prior policy violations. In imposing disciplinary sanctions, the College will consider the impact of separating a student from their education.
When a determination is made that an individual is responsible for an act or acts of Title IX Sexual Harassment, the College may also offer additional measures, and/or take other action, to eliminate any hostile environment caused by the Title IX Sexual Harassment, prevent the recurrence of any Title IX Sexual Harassment, and remedy the effects of the Title IX Sexual Harassment on the Complainant and the College community.
How to File a Complaint: https://www.knox.edu/title-ix-at-knox/title-ix-coordinator
Purpose: The Dean of Students Office outlines the rights and responsibilities of students, adjudicating disciplinary matters and, when necessary, imposing sanctions for violations in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Tracking: Student conduct processes maintain records as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
Possible Outcomes: A Code of Conduct violation that includes bias-related conduct can result in sanctions ranging from warnings to separation from the College.
How to File a Complaint: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?KnoxCollege&layout_id=9