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Pair to Care

Berries on a campus tree.

To create a culture of respect on campus, we need everyone to commit to playing a role in the prevention of sexual assault and misconduct. We know that this is a passion shared by many students on campus who may be interested in getting their organization involved with our programming efforts. We also recognize that sharing experiences and conversations with various groups of people is a great opportunity for learning and growth in every way. Pair to Care is an outreach initiative meant to facilitate relationships between the Dare to Care Peer Educators and other Knox College student organizations so that we can all learn from one another.

Are you interested in getting your organization involved with Dare to Care? Whether you’re interested in having a private, curated workshop for your student organization, looking to co-host an event, or just want a chance to get to know each other better, we’d love to hear from you. Email us at to start a conversation!

Knox College

Printed on Saturday, March 15, 2025