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Knox History Bibliography

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Abolitionism and Religious Sectarianism

  • McKivigan, John R. The War Against Proslavery Religion: Abolitionism and the Northern Churches, 1830-1865. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1984.

Knox College History

  • "A Circular. To the Students of Knox College in the Different Departments," Local History Series, Box 2, "Schism" Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, IL.

  • Affidavit of Silvanus Ferris, Geo. W. Gale, and N.H. Losey Regarding the Religious Orientation of Knox College, Local History Series, Box 2, "Schism" Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, IL.

  • Blanchard, Jonathan. "My Life Work," Presidents Series, Jonathan Blanchard, Biographies, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, IL.

  • Elder, Lucius W. "The Schismatic Troubles of 1857," The Knox Student January, 1927, 10-11.

  • "Hon. O.H. Browning and His Relations to the C.B. & Q. and Knox College," Register Mail, 1850-1851, Trustee Series, Orville H. Browning, Knox College Special Collections and Archives, Galesburg, IL.

  • "Letter from O.H. Browning to W.S. Gale dated July 12, 1849," Trustees Series, Orville H. Browning, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives, Galesburg, IL.

  • "Meeting of the Trustees of Knox College, June 23, 1868," Local History Series, Box 2, "Schism-Original Letters" Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, IL.

  • Samuel Guild Wright Diary, Box 1, MSS# 98, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, IL; "Meeting of the Knox College Board of Trustees," April 29, 1849," Knox College Special Collections and Archives, Galesburg, IL.

  • "Reports Presented to the Board of Trust of Knox Manual Labor College, at Their Annual Meeting Held June 25th, 1856." Local History Series, Knox College History, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

  • Beecher, Edward. "Address on the State of Knox College, Delivered by Rev. Edward Beecher, D.D. Before the Citizens of Galesburg, on Friday Evening, July 27th, 1857." Local History Series, Knox College History, Schism, Original Letters, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

Jonathan Blanchard

  • Blanchard, Jonathan. "My Life Work," Presidents Series, Jonathan Blanchard, Biographies, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, IL.

  • Taylor, Richard S. "Beyond Immediate Emancipation: Jonathan Blanchard, Abolitionism, and the Emergence of American Fundamentalism." Civil War History 3 (1981)

  • For anyone interested in Jonathan Blanchard, Wheaton College has a considerable collection of his materials-more than SC&A. There is an biography of Jonathan Blanchard that there is excerpts of in SC&A (I believe it is by "R.P. Fischer") that I haven't read in its entirety too.

Elijah Lovejoy

  • Simon, Paul. Freedom's Champion, Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1994

  • Dillon, Merton L. Elijah P. Lovejoy, Abolitionist Editor Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961.

  • Beecher, Edward. Narrative of the Riots at Alton: In Connection with the Death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy Alton: G. Holton, 1838. Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, IL.

Female Education/Female Seminary/Female Collegiate Department

  • Salter, Mary Ann. "Knox College and Women." Local History Series, Knox College History, Women's Education, General, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

  • "Knox Female Seminary Brochure, July 1st, 1867," Local History Series, Knox College History, Female Seminary, General, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

  • "A Record of the Preparatory and Female Collegiate Departments of Knox College, 1848-1870." Local History Series, Knox College History, Female Seminary, General, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

Hiram Huntington Kellogg

  • "Hiram Huntington Kellogg, First President of Knox College" The Knox Alumnus 4 (1927), 62.

  • "An Inaugural Address, delivered at Galesburg, Feb 2, 1842," Presidents Series, Hiram Huntington Kellogg, Writings by Hiram Huntington Kellogg, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

George Washington Gale

  • Gale, George Washington. The Autobiography of George Washington Gale, transcribed by Margaret Gale Hitchcock New York City: Not Listed, 1969.

  • "The First One Hundred and Fifty Years," The First Presbyterian Church of Rome, Unknown [Cut off] Local History Series, Knox History, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

Knox Academy

  • "Discontinue the Academy," Galesburg Republican Register, February 8, 1910 in Local History Series, Box 2, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

  • Churchill, George. "Report of Academic Department of Knox College for [18]57 and [18]58." Local History Series, Box 2, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

  • "Enrollments in Knox College, Academy, Female Collegiate Department, French-Music-Drawing-Painting School, School of Art and Conservatory of Music" Local History Series, Knox College History, Box 2, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

  • "Announcement of the Opening of the Knox Academy," Peoria Register and Northwestern Gazetteer December 15, 1838.

Knox History: General

  • Faculty Minutes, 1848-1870, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

  • Calkins, Ernest Elmo. They Broke the Prairie New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1937

  • Muelder, Hermann R. Fighters for Freedom: A History of Anti-Slavery Activities of Men and Women Associated with Knox College, New York: Columbia University Press, 1959

  • Muelder, Hermann. Missionaries and Muckrakers: The First Hundred Years of Knox College, Urbana, Chicago: University of Illinois.

  • Webster, Martha Farnham. Seventy Five Significant Years: The Story of Knox College, 1837-1912. Galesburg: Wagoner Printing Company, 1912

  • "Commencement at Knox College," The Burlington Hawk-eye July 2, 1846.

  • Bascom, Flavel and Losey, N.H. "A Circular, To the Students of Knox College in the Different Departments." Local History Series, Knox College History, Knox History 1850s and 1860s, Seymour Library Special Collections and Archives.

Lewis Tappan

  • Brown, Wyatt. Lewis Tappan and the Evangelical War Against Slavery Cleveland: Case Western Reserve, 1969.

  • Tappan, Lewis. Life of Arthur Tappan, Westport: Negro Universities Press, 1970.

Western College Society

  • Taylor, Richard S. "Western Colleges as ‘Securities of Intelligence & Virtue': The Towne Eddy Report," The Old Northwest 1 (1981)

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