December 2004
Dear President’s Circle Member,

Riddle: What can be done at Knox College that cannot be done at Duke University? Answer: Mössbauer Spectroscopy.

That’s what Al Crumbliss ’64, a distinguished chemistry professor at Duke University, told me at Homecoming. After giving a lecture for students and faculty, Al chatted with Knox College Professor of Physics Chuck Schulz, who described his work with the Knox Mössbauer spectrometer. Al can’t do this work at Duke because Duke doesn’t have the equipment. Al and Chuck have agreed to collaborate, with Al sending Chuck samples of research to be analyzed on the Knox Mössbauer spectrometer. Hopefully, a joint publication of the results will follow. (Scientists at the University of Notre Dame also call on Professor Schulz for assistance.)

Al Crumbliss and his wife Karen, also ’64, came back to campus during Homecoming Weekend on October 22–24, to join around 400 alumni and friends of the College in discovering new things about Knox and recalling their time as students.

Homecoming was made particularly special this year by United States Marine Corps Major Tolan Pica ’93. During Homecoming Convocation, Major Pica, former chief of security at the United States Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, presented Knox with an American flag that flew over the embassy on September 11, 2004. Major Pica received a long and well-deserved standing ovation from the audience. This special American flag will fly in front of Old Main at the College’s annual observance of September 11.

During the Homecoming meeting, the Board of Trustees authorized development of plans for the construction of a fitness center on campus, along with other improvements to the Knox athletic facilities. The construction of the new fitness center and other improvements will be made possible through the generosity of trustee Laurel Andrew ’86 and her family. This project will honor former Knox Athletic Director and Coach Harley Knosher. The fitness center project will move ahead of a new natatorium on the College’s priorities.

It is now time to focus on fundraising. I appreciate the support and leadership you, members of the President’s Circle, have provided as we navigate our way toward financial impregnability. And, I welcome the new members of the President’s Circle. Please encourage others to join you as members of the President’s Circle. I also ask you, Knox’s best supporters, to consider broadening your support to other initiatives at Knox, including growing the endowment; renovating Alumni Hall, a classroom or lab; endowing a scholarship; or contributing to the new fitness center.

Final riddle: What do the numbers 402, 89.2, and one million have in common? Answer:  These numbers align Knox with other premier colleges like Amherst, Williams, and Carleton. On the heels of record applications for admissions, 402 new students joined the Knox community this fall. 89.2 percent of last year’s first-year students returned to campus as sophomores. $1 million is the amount the College received from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant. Knox is the only college in Illinois to receive this grant. Other colleges who received a Hughes grant include Amherst, Williams, and Carleton. These are numbers and facts that you can be proud to share with your friends and colleagues.

Finally, let me share my current favorite Knox story. The Class of 1954 honored my wife Anne and me by inviting us to join them at their Homecoming 50th reunion dinner. The Class of ’54 won both the Ralph Walter Prize for the highest reunion class percentage contributing to the Knox Fund—57 percent—and the Mary Scott Prize for the largest class reunion gift—$184,614.

After dinner, I was asked to say a few words. I began by saying that I had three questions. Before I could continue, one member of the class shouted “402.” Another followed with “89.2.” A third said, “One million.” The Class of 1954 gets it. They recognize and appreciate the fact that these numbers represent the student-focused, life-changing education that Knox provides, thanks to you, Knox’s most significant financial supporters.

Sincerely yours,
Roger L. Taylor ’63

P.S. Next year's President's Circle Dinner will be on Saturday, March 19 at the New Canaan Country Club. And, on March 21, the Knox College Choir will perform at Carnegie Hall. Details and invitations coming.